As promised...Tech Support part I
this past week i've spent countless hours on the phone with "tech supporters" of several of the big IT companies. it all started when i inserted the installation disk to the nifty-cool, sleek & stylish, super-fast printer my mom purchased. (it's not the first time i've installed software/hardware nor am i an idiot. i have references to verify the last part of that statement.) everything was running along smoothly until i had to plug in the USB cord that connects the printer to the computer. ERROR-REQUIRED ACTION WAS NOT FOUND IN THE INF. Much to my grandmother's dismay, i chose medicine over computer technology. translation: i have no clue what an INF is or why a so-called "required" action would be missing from it. never the less i know a few tricks of the trade. uninstall software, unplug device, restart and re-install software. ERROR-REQUIRED ACTION WAS NOT FOUND IN THE INF. (shit.) repeat last trick. ERROR...dammit. hmmm...wonder if i click the continue to installation w/o plugging in device button...install runs for countless hours before finally confirming completion. (damn, i'm good.) restart computer. plug in printer. new hardware found. (we're cooking with grease now.) complete installation? (OH for the LOVE OF HUMANITY!!!) ERROR-REQUIRED ACTION WAS...well, you know. (time for a smoke break.) uninstall software. leave printer plugged in. restart. re-install. yeah, that didn't work either. consulted a few techy friends that i've acquired over the years. still i have a very large and cumbersome paper weight designed to look like a printer. a few choice words are mumbled as i reach for the phone and dial the dreaded number. i shove the voice in my head into the "lost artifacts" corner. although severely muffled by geometric theorems and names i use to be able to match with faces, the warning cries of past tech support disasters can still be heard.
to be cont'd....
please don't bother leaving me serious advice on how to fix the above problem as i've already sorted it out and my printer functions as an actual printer instead of a paper weight.