watermelon memories
Saturday, July 31, 2004
  repeat offender
being a freak magnet is one of my many traits. although on occasions, i do manage to run into rather decent guys. while few of these DG have ever toyed with taking yours truly off the market, they do always seem to return at some point or other. usually after significant lapses in time...i assume when they've hit a dating slump. it's not uncommon for me to get an email or phone call a year or two after i've given one of these DGs what i thought was the final brush off.

what brings this up today? well, an email from the columbian that's what. now the columbian and i were never serious. not by a long shot. unless you call being mauled in the bathroom at one of our co-workers christmas parties and then a couple of movie watching pizza eating dates at his house serious.

i'm not the least bit upset that the columbian has reappeared. he's smart, easy on the eyes, loads of fun, and gainfully employed. the problem is he's columbian. well not so much that he's columbian as his accent. i have a thing about being able to converse with my dating interests. damn me and my standards.

ah well. we'll see how it goes. i'll keep you posted.
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