blogger VS haloscan
for the last day or so, i've been hacking away at my template trying, in vain mostly, to replace my comment provider to haloscan. blogger is however putting up one heck of a fight. i've cut and pasted and read and re-read the directions. i've sought advice from friends and visited haloscan's help mailbox multiple times. the outcome? i've been linked to haloscan once...note i did say once. after i finished my dance of joy which included sending emails of my triumph, i tried it again just to be on the safe side. was i shocked when i saw my comments had reverted to blogger? nope. i've come to realize they enjoy watching my eyes bleed.
jeevan (lovely chap) at haloscan just finished a new code to auto install haloscan to blogger. i've followed the auto installer steps to completion. so, maybe you'll be sent to haloscan. maybe you won't. it's out of my hands.