blog hopping
it's 3am and as per usual (at least of late) i'm still awake. i grew tired of answering messages of the few online "friends" i've acquired and started clicking random blog links off of
the silver fox's list. next thing i knew i was clicking random links off of those blogs as well. until i ran upon the fish...she reminds me a bit of
heather. i realized after poking around her site for an hour or so that the one or two people that happen onto my obscure site might enjoy her's as off you go to check out
this fish needs a bicycle.
one of my favorite bits from the fish:
FISH: Conventional dating is really just a waste of time. You go through intense pageant-like auditions, and even if you win, it's only to discover that the sash is itchy, the crown is heavy and the prize pack sucks SO bad that you wish you'd just stayed home in your PJs.